Well done Padawan, you passed the JUnit. Enter your wallet address below to recieve 10 BetterBucks (marketplace coming soon)

go to https://vintage.myetherwallet.com/#generate-wallet to create one. Make sure the box in the upper right says "Network Ropsten (myetherwallet.com)"

Enter an account number/public key (it starts with 0x):

Total BetterBucks in circulation:

DISCLAIMER: BetterBucks is a meme currency ONLY. It has no intrinsic value whatsoever. Please do not use it at any respectable establishment. You can only buy glares with it there.

To view your BetterBucks you will need to add a custom token onto your wallet (It should be in the lower right hand side in the send tab when you sign in). For reference, the token contract is 0x66090535B32b9228DE0d951FcdEe7C4Bbd95F8f7. The symbol is BB and there are 18 decimals.